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Speakers | AutoTech: Electrification 2023

Ed RobertsCOOBozard Ford Lincoln

Ed Roberts is a sought-after leader in the automotive industry, renowned for his relentless pursuit of excellence and his passion for challenging the status quo. Born and raised in the challenging Springfield neighborhood of downtown Jacksonville, Florida, Ed's journey from humble beginnings to becoming the Chief Operations Officer at Bozard Ford Lincoln and a renowned Author of "Mile One: An Endless Journey to Effective Leadership," is a testament to his unwavering determination and perseverance.

Ed's career commenced in July 1992 as an apprentice technician, and since then, he has held various positions that have shaped his expertise and leadership acumen. From his early days as an apprentice to his current role as COO, Ed's unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth has propelled him forward, enabling him to make a lasting impact on the lives of those he encounters.

Ed's expertise extends beyond the automotive realm, as he possesses a deep understanding of leadership, teamwork, overcoming adversity, embracing change, maintaining mental agility, and demonstrating resilience. His unique approach to leadership has garnered attention and respect from peers and aspiring leaders alike.

In his book, "Mile One: An Endless Journey to Effective Leadership," Ed Roberts shares his profound insights and practical strategies that will elevate your leadership skills to new heights. He firmly believes that leadership is not a destination but an ongoing journey of growth, self-discovery, and influence. Whether you are a seasoned executive, startup founder, or an aspiring leader, "Mile One" is designed to provide valuable insights and thought-provoking reflections that will empower you to embark on your own journey to effective leadership.

Ed's life experiences and his remarkable rise from humble beginnings have shaped him into a servant leader who is deeply committed to his family and community. Beyond his professional achievements, he cherishes his role as a devoted spouse and dad, always seeking to make a positive impact on the lives of those around him.


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