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Agenda | AutoTech: Electrification 2023

Electric vehicles have ignited a transformational shift in the automotive and mobility industries. Are you prepared for an electric future?

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What Do We Want? A Customizable Mobility Experience

Cristian Chis  (Head of Technology Planning, NIO)

Benny Daniel  (Vice President, Consulting - Mobility NA, Frost & Sullivan)

Nishith Kumar  (Director - Global Business Development, Uber)

Date: Tuesday, October 17

Time: 9:45 am - 10:30 am

Theme: Future Focus

Session Type: Panel Discussion

Vault Recording: TBD

  • With consumers expecting a more connected and seamless in-vehicle experience, what exciting features and technologies are on the horizon that will help redefine the user experience and reshape the perception of EVs?
  • Are customizable and upgradable features enough to persuade consumers to make the jump from ICE to EVs and what other incentives can be considered to accelerate adoption?
  • How can the integration of human-centric design principles along with seamless connectivity transform EVs into personalized, intuitive, and environmentally conscious modes of transportation?
  • How can EVs cater to different driving needs and lifestyles, considering factors such as range, charging infrastructure, and vehicle types to accommodate a broader range of users?

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